
Applying Knowledge and Experience from
IATSS Forum & Paying Forward to Community

Participant's Voices


  • Country : Thailand
  • Forum : 51st batch (2014 Spring Forum)
Let me start with “IATSS” is my first scholarship I used to apply. After I read overall information, I decided to hand the application without any hesitation. Fortunately, I was one of those selected people to be a part of IATSS Family. With the warm welcome and very helpful staff both from Thailand and Japan, I feel much more comfy and relieve. The programme is not covered only intelligent knowledge but also spread to the areas of social and cultural sphere. Moreover, the learning curriculum is provided under the theme of learning and thinking together, with the different background of participants from Japan and ASEAN countries will widen perspectives and deepen understanding amongst all delegates. Finally, I am looking forward to open my eyes and explore the new world in the beautiful country with my new friends. The 57 days in Japan will be one of the most precious and worthwhile moments in my life. (^__^)
I: Integrity of overall programme with well-planned and good monitor (一貫性があり計画・管理が行き届いたプログラムだった。) A: “A to Z” is alphabetical order of my classmates who became “friends” from the very first day (“A to Z”は私のチームの名前。チームメートとは研修一日目から友達になった。) T: Team building with diversity talents, experiences and backgrounds (能力、経験、文化背景が多彩な人々と一緒に行ったチームビルディング) S: Scholars and lecturers are well-selected to provide us widening and deepening knowledge (フォーラムの著名な講師の方々は、私達研修生に広く深い知識を提供してくれた。) S: Staff of IATSS who give us whole-hearted supporting continuously through the program (プログラムを通し、フォーラムスタッフは暖かいサポートをしつづけてくれた。) F: Family, host family, who took a great care of us, along with keep in touch from time to time (ホストファミリーの方々には、ホームステー以外にも本当にお世話になりました。) O: Onsen, which always rejuvenate our long and exhausted days (温泉は、いつも私達の長く過酷な一日を癒してくれました。) R: Recover my weakness and invigorate my strength points (弱点を改善し、長所をさらに伸ばすことができた。) U: Unity of our 51st Batch to fulfill the objectives and reach the set goals (51回バッチの団結力でフォーラムの最初に設定したゴールに達成することができた。) M: Management of time, diversities, individual’s competency and change are the key elements (時間のマネージメント、多様性、個人の能力・変化が重要な要素となる。) Finally, let me congratulate and welcome all new IATSS Forum members. I wish you do enjoy staying in Suzuka as I did! (最後に、新たに来る研修生の皆さん、おめでとうございます。IATSSフォーラムファミリーへようこそ。皆さんが、私が経験したような楽しい出来事を鈴鹿で体験できるよう祈ってます。)
