
Applying Knowledge and Experience from
IATSS Forum & Paying Forward to Community

Message from Alumni

Ms. Noraya Soewarno

Experiencing IATSS Forum provided me with good and deep understanding of Japanese ways of life, their work ethics, and ways to achieve the end goal efficiently the Japanese way. The program allowed us to see how the Japanese society work as a whole, their history, like why they have ninjas and beautiful but intricate castles.

Another benefit from the program is my experience with my Japanese host family the Ikedas: Takeo, Misayo and son Nobutaka.  We have stayed close in touch over the years and I feel proud that my Japanese host brother is now a cardiac surgeon, working in one of the large hospitals in Tokyo. I shall never forget the dining hall and of course the lecture hall where we convene each week day to learn all about Japan and the Japanese.  I am forever grateful for my I IATSS Forum experience which has given and taught me so much.
