
Applying Knowledge and Experience from
IATSS Forum & Paying Forward to Community

Message from Alumni

Ms. Nwe Nwe Oo

  • Country : Myanmar
  • Forum :
  • Current Position : British Embassy /Department for International Trade/ Trade and Investment Manager. UMFCCI / Investment and Trade Promotion Committee/ Member

Life in IATSS Forum was momentous for us. It empowered me and strengthened me to overcome all challenges in my life. The forum has enriched me with so many insightful knowledge and skills. It taught me to become more confident in myself to take leadership roles in my professional life and be more in control of my personal life. In addition, we Myanmar always say that we are hospitable, but after attending IATSS forum, I am beginning to think that hospitality is an Asian trait. The hospitality shown by the Japanese people, especially the IATSS Forum staffs and volunteers are admirable.

The IATSS Forum was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity.
