
Applying Knowledge and Experience from
IATSS Forum & Paying Forward to Community

Message from Alumni

Mr. Julius L. Meneses

My learnings in the IATSS Forum will never be forgotten as it is very much indispensable in my everyday life. I have seen the true essence of their principle “Thinking and Learning Together” as I get out of my house and face the realities of my challenging tasks both personal and professional. IATSS Forum has given me the opportunity to widen my horizon, provide me with models and innovations that can be adopted in every situations as well as guided me to my present duties as a leader, managing several directors which conceptualizes and implement plans and programs beneficial for the university, community and the country as a whole. It also served as an avenue where every participants are given the chance to be equipped with necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes that are attuned to the present needs of the global society.
