Zuni [57期生(2017年春)] [インドネシア]
Hello!! Zuni is here!
It is such a great opportunity to join with IATSS Forum family. Since the Forum might allow me to meet outstanding individuals from other ASEAN countries who has different sight or facing the same current issues as in here. Through this Forum, I personally want to learn and improve my interpersonal skills by sharing, thinking and learning together with all of our vary backgrounds.
I am working as government officer for insfrastructure projects to date. And there are such a high demand on developing our business process, particularly on improving the policy related with public facilities. Thus, broaden the paradigm through networking are strongly needed.
Learning from other countries on how they were facing current issues are help us to improve the policy currently. By different social and culture perspective, it offers vary benefit for both personal and organization purposes. Moreover, it is a great chance to take a lesson learnt from Japan as one of developed country who succeed on infrastructure and economic growth.
By its population of around 270 million inhabitants, Indonesia need to improve the infrastructure and more. And among those matters, the human resource is one of the key to moving forwards. Building human capacity, developing their skills, and benchmarking from other countries must have taken for better future.
Lastly, I am looking forward to meet and working with all of you within IATSS Forum family!
Konnichiwaaa!!! Hisashiburi! Minasan..genki desu ka??
It has been three weeks since I left “home sweet home” IATSS Forum in Suzuka. Indeed, two months just so flash! Unbelievable! It still fresh on my mind all of those memories, how is “thinking and learning together” tagline became for real in practical. It is challenging! And for sure it is hard to say goodbye in the end of program. I would love to say “see you again soon! Mata aimashou minasan!”
I recall my memory two months ago, what a life! Our life was just so dynamic. Those group discussion during our field study, team building (gashuku), sharing session and others boost me to be better me. It is true how is Plan Do Check Action is became one of Japanese people culture. And I practice that during my three weeks since I left.
The main other thing I have learn is respect. When you respect others, it is reflect on what you behave. During this program, I learn how to understand other perception, react wisely and try to be more active listening. Particularly on every group discussion, since it has more than “one head” to be at the same level understanding, it is quite challenging to settle back and looking at our vision.
What is the next? I have been thinking hardly for this plan, and how to actualise it. Last time, my group discussion talk about zero food waste and I wish we could make it real anywhow. It is true since we left, we do busy on our working life, yet I wish I can contribute on any activities held by alumni across countries.
Lastly, again, I am looking forward to meet and working with all of you within IATSS Forum family!