Anh [62期生(2019年秋)] [ベトナム]
Hello everyone,
I am Hoang Anh (Ms) from Vietnam.
I am very happy and proud to be selected as participants of IATSS Forum 62th. I apply for the IATSS Forum with the expectation that the program will help me strengthen leadership skills, widen network and increasej knowledge and understanding of the world we are living in. Besides, this is my first time visiting Japan, I am very excited to visit Japan, a country famous for its culture, her people and the “miracle Japan”. I want to experience Japan more than just a tourist, want to immerse myself in her rich culture and special spirit. I hope that all knowledge, experiences, learning from the IATSS Forum will help me in leading my organization into greater pathway for the betterment of the people.
During 7 months waiting, I am even more impressed about the way people in Japan work, every single things is cared about, very practical thing like what to bring? How to dress? Souvernir and gift to prepare, pictures of staff… very detail and supportive. The program has started even before it starts. I am also moved by the letter from Mr. Ichiro Uekusa where he ends by “take great care of yourself”. I feel the balance between work and personal care, feel the spirit of the program and I have already learnt a lot even before the program has officially started.
I am a single-mother of a 7-year-old boy and a leader of an organization, I have to arrange a lot to attend 55 days in Japan but I know that the trip will worth the efforts.
I can’t wait to be in Japan and self-seeing all miracles that she will bring to my life.
See you all very soon.
With love,
Hoang Anh
Hello everyone,
So after two months in Japan, I am safely back into Hanoi, Vietnam. To be honest, I am just happy to be back as I was happy to go to Japan.
Two months have been overwhelmed with a lot of study, learning, field trips, group activities and many other experiences.
Apart from the lectures, what I love the most is actually the group study, where I have learned a lot from my teammates.
They are brilliant, logic, funny and full of energy.
The group discussions are often as long as from 9am till 1am the next day, and for almost a week. Without their support and energy, I cannot make it till the last day of presentation. At the same time, I am also proud of what I can contribute to the group.
There are many other things that I would like to mention such as the excitement of Asian Cultural Introduction day, the love and warmth of my host family, the sweetness of volunteers, the beauty of Japan scene and the delicious food… but I would like to keep it as my own memories and leave it for your own exploration later on. Eventually, discovering without expectation makes the journey even more wonderful.
I have been back to Hanoi for almost two weeks.
The IATSS 62nd batch wataspps group is still every busy with stories and chit chat, we still feel very close to each other.
For me, upon coming back, I feel more confident, more firm and solid, more focus and have a lot of energy.
And I actually start applying what I have learnt in IATSS into my works, such as apply the ritual of check-in – check-out for group meeting, start compose the “rules of discussion” and so on.
I hope that as time comes, I can further apply what I have studied here into my work and my life.
Hope my sharing reach you well and hope that you will have a great journey in Japan.
With love,
Hoang Anh