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Main [54期生(2015年秋)] [ミャンマー]



夢のひとつが叶えられようとしています。私はIATSSフォーラムの54回生として、他のカラフルな人々と出会えることを、そして国の課題についての知識を深めることを楽しみにしています。本当になんという素晴らしい機会でしょう!このフォーラムは、自国に貢献できるという私の燃え上がる熱意を満たしてくれます。そして他の国の素晴らしい文化を経験させてくれるでしょう。多様なバックグラウンドを持つASEANからの研修生たちと、Thinking and Learning Togetherのモットーの下、共に学びあう中で自分自身を成長させていきたいです。このフォーラムを通して、プロフェッショナルとしての成長に留まらず、国際的で多文化的な環境を活用しネットワークを構築していきたいです。この素晴らしくまた自分にとって新鮮な機会は自分自身の人生における大きな前進となるでしょう。


I look back 57 days IATSS forum in Japan and what I have got through this forum . I have been much impressed about IATSS forum organization's supportiveness and have highly paid attention in details. And well prepared for us and their efforts had made me impressed. I have got much knowledge about Japan, high technology, tradition, well preserve culture, healthy foods , Japanese peoples and hard working styles of Japanese peoples.

Mid of the forum, we celebrated Japanese cultural exchange day and ASEAN- Japan cultural exchange day . From these cultural exchange days , I met a lot of local volunteers. Some of them have supported IATSS forum more than 25 years that is unbelievable for me . We have learned about Japanese tea festival and have chance of wearing YuKaTa. Moreover, we have learned how to cook sushi , how to write Japanese language and how to eat long noodles.

Actually, cultural introduction day is so meaningful for us because we have learned ASEAN culture and Japanese culture at the same time. We have a great time with local volunteers , we danced, taste the Japanese foods and drink together. After that we knew each other and more close liked brothers and sisters between participants. I am sure every participant enjoyed all activities which hold by IATSS forum.

Another impressions are Japanese education and infrastructure. I have noticed that how much Japanese government care about people.

To sum up , thank you all IATSS forum staffs ,all volunteers and my host family members. I will keep my impression of your warm hospitality in my whole life . I can not thank you enough. But thank you again !

For our new members of Alumni , please keep in mind that IATSS forum is a very unique and special one. Please learn everything whatever you face and enjoy every experience as much as you can.
Welcome to our alumni !!!