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Khay [54期生(2015年秋)] [フィリピン]



Magandang buhay! (これはフィリピンで人気のテレビ小説で使われている有名な台詞で、”the good life” という意味です。)
私は常々、最もシンプルなアイディアでコミュニティに影響を及ぼすことのできるフィリピンの男性、女性を素晴らしいと思っています。例えばMs. Reese Fernandez-Ruiz はRags2Riches,Inc.という社会的企業の共同創業者であり、社長です。この会社は社会的に差別されたり不利な立場にあるコミュニティの女性たちに、リサイクルの端切れ布を使って衣服や小物を作ることを教えており、これらのコミュニティにとって、各家庭が生計を立てより良い将来を築いていく為になくてはならないパートナーで有り続けています。
2009年のCNNのヒーローとなったEfren Penafloridaも忘れてはいけません。彼は、“Kariton Classrooms”(Pushcart Classrooms)という活動を通して、ストリートチルドレンに教育を与え、ギャング仲間になる以外の道を与えました。彼はこの活動を通して全世界をインスパイアすることができました。フィリピンには、フィリピン人を助けるだけでなく、世界にも良い変革をもたらしているヒーローが大勢おり、彼らはその中の2人に過ぎません。
人類学者であるMargaret Meadが「思慮深い献身的な個人や市民グループが世界を変えられる、ということは疑いのないことだ。」と言っているように、フォーラムのヴィジョンを掲げ、私たちが思い描く「変化」に私たち自身がなりたい、私たちが指針となって自国やコミュニティに希望をもたらしたいと思っています。


Cliche as it seems, but, “time is gold.” Fifty nine days in Japan may seem long, but mind you, in IATSS you’ll be doing a lot and time will go by so quickly. I would like to expound on the concept of TIME as a reminder. To the 55th batch, this is for you:

1.) Treasure time

The way you spend your time determines the way you live your life. Being selected to represent your own countries is really a milestone. So, make the most out of the forum. Learn as much and contribute even more. Savour the experience. Life during IATSS goes by at top speed, learn how to measure it in tiny little moments.

2.) Invest time

Yes, you are in IATSS to learn, but more than just learning is to build and strengthen your connections with your fellow participants from the ASEAN region and Japan. Invest on relationships. Make time to talk to each and every one of your batch mate. Find your common grounds, interests & start building new friendships from there.

3.) Manage time

As what one of my favourite Pastors said “ You become effective by being selective.” During your stay in IATSS, time gets a bit distorted. You receive news from home – birthdays you’ve missed, people who left without you getting the chance to say goodbye, celebrations, milestones, marriage proposals you won’t be able to attend and the list goes on. Every day is a war of hearts and minds. Your life will turn into a mix of emotions. You learn to improvise, to integrate things and to deal with the unexpected. Emotional fitness and focus are crucial. Remember, you are chosen to be part of IATSS because they believe you are a leader enough to choose where you’ll spend most of your time and energy on. The choice is yours.

4.) Enjoy time

Enjoy the highs and lows of the journey. Give yourself a pat on the back for being chosen to represent your countries.
Enjoy the cultural exchange between you and your batch mates. Enjoy the fact that you’ll be learning and speaking more than one language in the forum. It will be like being in an ASEAN Cruise for almost 2 months, make the most out of it!
Enjoy some time off & try to spend at least 20 minutes of “quiet time” everyday. As mentioned earlier, your days will be packed – activities, travel, paper works and good times over good food that you need to discipline yourself to shut the doors to distraction and find balance. Take time to meditate and reflect, it will keep you sane, trust me.

Evolve as you enjoy. Living in Japan and being in IATSS Forum will profoundly deepen your views about life and change who you are. After some time, you’ll see it crystal clear that you’ve evolved, you’ve become more courageous, responsible, have more respect and you’ve become more appreciative of the people and the world around you. The struggle of learning another language, to adapt to different cultures and learning the different between what we just see on Youtube or Google and reality – those are the lessons that will stay with you, that will shape you, that will teach you how true ASEAN Leaders should be.
Treasure time. Invest time. Manage time. Enjoy time. T-I-M-E.
As I close this message, I would like to remind each and every one of us that being an IATSS Alumni is not just being part of a “club” of young leaders from the ASEAN Region. “We are not a club, we are a cause.” We were handpicked to learn and improve ourselves so that we can impact our society and create ripples of change in our own countries. Let us carry out the vision of this forum. Let us be the change that we want to see. Let us be beacons of light and carriers hope to our countries and our communities.
Congratulations Batch 55! Ganbatte kudasai!